Generation Kill

posted under by Philip Howlett
As some of you may know, I'm a huge fan of The Wire. I was doing a bit of reading on the net about Ed Burns (creator of The Wire) and was pleased to find out he's got a new project. Generation Kill is a 7 part series, each episode an hour long. Based on the American invasion of Iraq it makes for some absolutely unmissable viewing. Unfortunately it's not being aired in the U.K from what I gather, so you're going to have to be a bit imaginative about how you get to see it. At the time of writing, 4 episodes have been shown in the states. If you enjoyed Band of Brothers or war films in general then watch it!

Lastly, I can't stress to people just how good The Wire is. There's 5 seasons of that beauty for you all to check out.

HBO Generation Kill Website (it's actually a pretty cool flash site to check out)


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