DIY Ringlight

posted under by Philip Howlett
I'll probably give this a go at some point. I just stumbled across it on my daily web travels. This guy has made a ringlight out of his computer monitor to take some pictures of himself. The results are pretty good, providing you've got a decent camera. If you don't know what I'm rambling on about, have a look at his flickr.

Thought it might be worth a go when I'm bored.

"...Here's the thing: a friend of mine showed his new 24inch apple monitor and talked about how bright it whas and how it almost functioned as a lamp to light his room with, and he demonstrated it to me in the dark. I had my new Canon 30D with me and all the sudden i thought, yup, it's big, it's bright... Hey! it's a great candidate for a ringlight.!"


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